Together we'll explore practices to nourish and coax you home to your inner knowing and core self. 

The Returning

A 5 week exploration of the teachings of yoga, mythology and folktales, exploring themes of elderhood, crone medicine, facing our shadow, and more. Nourishing yoga classes, writing prompts, and inner explorations.


The Returning 


5 modules of deep study to coax you back to your soul, to your inner knowing, to the bone memory that holds us. 

In this course we'll explore how the crone is the one that sees with clarity, how as we learn to see and embrace life in its fullness we expand our generosity of seeing. 

The course will take you through twice weekly 90 minute yoga classes weaving folklore and yoga teachings into embodied practice. You'll also enjoy a weekly pranayama (breath) practice, and a weekly audio teaching accompanied by writing prompts to take you further. 

Beloved you must live for you. You must connect with your inner gifts and core self and offer that medicine back outward. 

This course is a sweet exploration of the teachings of the crone, of touching our elderhood, and willingly exploring our shadows and our gifts. 

You are invited. 

Many of us have gone through seasons of destruction. This is the nature of things. Of Great Nature. We cycle. From birth to creation to destruction and back again. This is how it is. And yet often in the seasons of destruction and massive shift we can find ourselves with the rug pulled out from under our feet, we can feel like there's nowhere to turn. Beloved we sustain through these seasons, we emerge from them, we return by creating personal refuge.

The beauty is our refuge is within. We can be our own sanctuary.

Let's fortify our center, find our moving middle. Learn how to get off center and how to find our way back in.

The program includes lifetime access so you may return to the classes and teachings.

You will receive immediate access to the course platform and all modules though they should be completed in order. Each module has a downloadable guide, an audio recording, two yoga classes, and a pranayama class. 

There are additionally bonus asana classes woven into the program. 

All levels of practitioners are invited and welcome to savor these movement practices. 

The development of our inner landscape is a great act of altruism.

You are invited to take the long road through time, to explore stories that hold us, and  teach us to live.  



Myth teaches us how to live, we map ourselves in these ancient stories. They are the "bone memory" (Martin Shaw) that holds us.

Good stories break the spell of the cultural mother and all of the "you ought to be's." 

You will cozy up and listen to a tale or two, and in time as you listen again and again the stories will keep revealing themselves to you if you're keen to listen to their whispers. 



Artfully sequenced yoga classes anchored in Katonah Yoga™, Chinese Medicine, and Ayurveda. 

Savor asana classes created with intention to nourish you, to inspire you, and to shift your chemistry and your state. 

Practitioners of all levels are welcome here. This is an invitation to a deep home practice that grows you. 

Breath & Mind


In your weekly sessions you will practice nourishing breathwork, somatic movement explorations, and meditation.

Additionally you will receive a weekly audio teaching and writing prompts to serve your private work and to uncover your inner wisdom and knowing. 


Teacher, writer, artist, and speaker, Selena has taught yoga and meditation since 2010 and movement since 2005. 


She is the founder of the WeEvolve Method™ a yoga method anchored in Classical Yoga, Personal Development, and Modern Movement Methodologies.

Selena is the host and creator of the Mapping the Self Podcast™ a show dedicated to conversations on self-mastery, self-exploration, and our simplest altruism.

She believes that practice is service and that there MUST be a direct line between our personal spirituality and civil engagement. That our individual wellbeing cannot be separated from the collective wellbeing.

She offers a practice and teachings that are pragmatic, practical, and magical to help you author your life, live from your heart, and to operate from a place of grace.

Selena attended the University of Montana and received a BA in Sociocultural Anthropology with a minor in Philosophy and Women’s Studies in 2005.

She received a Masters in Public Health in Infectious Disease and Maternal Child and Infant Health from Boston University in 2007 and is a PhD candidate at The University of Montana in Sociocultural Anthropology with a focus in yoga and South Asian Anthropology.

She is presently completing a MA in Mental Health Counseling and Somatic Therapies.

She is a two-time Cornell Fellow, Fulbright Awardee, and scholar of myth and folklore.

Her movement and wellness training includes certifications in Katonah Yoga™, thousands of hours in yoga training with modern luminaries, FRC Kinstretch™, FRC Mobility Specialist, Balanced Body Pilates, Personal Development Coach, Precision Nutrition™, Ayurveda, Movement Flow™, dance, Non-Linear Movement Method™, and more. 

She is also certified to guide Conscious Connection Breathwork, and is a trained microdose guide serving populations ready to explore their awareness and healing with the aid of plant medicines. 

“May you wear the crown of clear seeing" 


The Returning

What's Included


-5 Weeks of Teaching 

-Lifetime Access

-Twice weekly 90 minute classes

-Weekly audio teaching

-Weekly guide

Ready for more? Bundle The Returning + Cultivating Wisdom. The Returning is a 5 module exploration of  what it is to honor our core self, to own our stories, and shake off our "shoulds"


Join The Returning $50 + Gift a Friend Free
Bundle The Returning + Cultivating Wisdom $100

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